Ouzo 200ml-38^
Ouzo Christopoulos has no technical additions or sweeteners. It does not contain sugar. Its taste and aromas are authentic. Pure raw materials married with crystal clear water from Taygetos.
Ouzo is served in small or thin and tall glasses and is the first to enter the glass followed by water and/or ice cubes. It loves the company of appetizers as an aperitif such as pasta, octopus and fish, salads etc. And it never gets in the fridge!
Ouzo Christopoulos has no technical additions or sweeteners. It does not contain sugar. Its taste and aromas are authentic. Pure raw materials married with crystal clear water from Taygetos.
Ouzo is served in small or thin and tall glasses and is the first to enter the glass followed by water and/or ice cubes. It loves the company of appetizers as an aperitif such as pasta, octopus and fish, salads etc. And it never gets in the fridge!
Ouzo Christopoulos has no technical additions or sweeteners. It does not contain sugar. Its taste and aromas are authentic. Pure raw materials married with crystal clear water from Taygetos.
Ouzo is served in small or thin and tall glasses and is the first to enter the glass followed by water and/or ice cubes. It loves the company of appetizers as an aperitif such as pasta, octopus and fish, salads etc. And it never gets in the fridge!